Archive for April 6, 2009

Facebook saving lives across the globe

Not sure exactly how relevant this article is, but interesting nonetheless. Shows the impact Facebook is having on one scale.

Facebook pal saves UK teen suicide

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Twitter as the new Google?

I found an interesting concept on Drew B’s blog today – For the next week I will use Twitter instead of Google whenever I –  (from a few weeks ago). He vowed to use Twitter instead of Google for a week wherever possible. The idea came when he was looking for restaurants to eat at, after searching Google, he typed it into his Twitter site and in a matter of moments had several honest suggestions. Maybe the next term will be ‘Twitter it’?

Over the Easter break I want to do some serious reading on Twitter, as although I am now a Twitterer (or something of the like), I still don’t quite understand the concept of how useful it could be to public relations and communications. I can’t quite connect the dots. As I finished my Comm Rev essay today and have just one more class before the break, I now have time to really get into this project!

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